January 5, 2024 A Classroom Model for Teaching Natural and Artificial Selection on Your ScheduleThink you don’t have enough time for students to observe the results of selection pressure...
February 23, 2023 Webinar: Student-Designed Ecosystem Experiments in Middle GradesStudent-designed investigations that use Wisconsin Fast Plants® to study ecosystems are powerful, three-dimensional learning experiences....
July 20, 2021 Webinar: Life Cycle and Growth and DevelopmentJoin us for a live webinar to explore hands-on-learning opportunities using Wisconsin Fast Plants®. Life...
July 12, 2021 Webinar: Making Thinking VisibleHow do you implement portfolio instruction during remote and hybrid learning? And how can you...
February 3, 2021 Webinar: Building Understanding of Mendelian GeneticsJoin us for a prerecorded webinar to see a 3-D lesson modeled with Wisconsin Fast...
December 27, 2020 Webinar: Remote Products and Instruction for A&PCarolina and APS staff discuss products and instruction for A&P in the age of COVID-19....
December 25, 2020 Webinar: How to Succeed at Growing Plants in the ClassroomExplore strategies for growing Wisconsin Fast Plants®. How to Succeed at Growing Plants in the...
November 29, 2020 Missed NSTA Engage: Spring21? Let Us Catch You UpIf you were unable to participate in the NSTA conference, we’ve compiled some resources so...
October 24, 2020 Webinar: Carolina and VictoryXR’s Campus Tour and VR DissectionsIn this webinar, we explore how virtual reality can work in your science lab. Wendy...
September 14, 2020 Webinar Series: Integrating Science and Engineering PracticesWebinar Series: Modeling in Science InstructionData Analysis and Computational ThinkingArguments from Evidence and CommunicatingPlanning Investigations,...
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