April 6, 2024 Introduction to Prokaryotes: CyanobacteriaCarolina LabSheets™ Overview In this lab students observe two examples of cyanobacteria and make a...
December 22, 2023 Introduction to Prokaryotes: ArchaeaCarolina LabSheets™ Overview In this lab, students are introduced to Halobacterium, a representative of the Archaea,...
December 20, 2023 Introduction to Sterile TechniqueCarolina LabSheets™ Overview In this lab, students practice transfer of a bacterial culture using sterile...
March 31, 2022 Fermentation by YeastA study of fermentation by yeast is an interesting extension of AP* Biology Lab 5...
August 15, 2021 Cheese MakingAn Interdisciplinary Science Exploration Evidence suggests that people have been making cheese for at least...
February 5, 2021 Isolating Bacteria from a MixtureCarolina Labsheets™ In this lab, students are introduced to a basic technique used in the...
January 14, 2021 Investigating Phenomena: How Do Bacteria Survive Harsh Conditions?Carolina Phenomenon Phenomena-driven science! Phenomena are observable, naturally occurring events that are everywhere and spark...
August 16, 2020 Bacteriophages in Human DiseaseFriends and Foes Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria. They are a major agent of...
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