How do you implement portfolio instruction during remote and hybrid learning? And how can you use these teaching techniques to engage students?
Student collaboration is a key component of social-emotional learning–but collaboration can prove challenging during remote and hybrid learning. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to engage students by analyzing and interpreting data while increasing student collaboration. You’ll also learn how to use portfolio teaching techniques and process-based assessments to build instructional effectiveness during the 2021 spring semester.
Nationally recognized science education consultant Kristen Dotti provides fundamentals and tips for delivering authentic science education remotely. This event is a follow-up to two previous popular webinars by Dotti, including Teaching Science Remotely and Leading High School Science Investigations Remotely.
Additional Reading: Portfolio Instruction Offers Solutions to Remote Learning
Carolina is sponsoring this event in conjunction with the development of Carolina Kits 3D® Flex Digital, a full-year lab program for remote learning available now for high school biology, chemistry, and earth and space science.
Kristen Dotti
Kristen Dotti is a geneticist by training and a classroom teacher with 27 years of experience teaching high school AP® and IB® science and mathematics. She writes full-year and case study curricula using exclusively hands-on methods for implementing student-centered, NGSS practices. For the last 15 years, she has worked with schools and districts on long-term improvement plans for the professional development of faculty, focusing on increasing levels of student engagement and critical thinking.
Contact Kristen at, or visit Catalyst Learning Curricula for more information on how she helps teachers.