
by Carolina Staff
crime scene investigation

Make Real-World Connections and Engage Students

When crime scene investigators collect and analyze evidence from the scene of a crime, they are applying forensic science. By using tools from physical science, biology, and math, investigators are able to recreate and analyze the elements of a crime scene. Forensic science allows law enforcement officials to determine the guilt or innocence of an accused person and courtrooms to uphold criminal laws.

If you’re looking to make a lasting mark on your students through an interdisciplinary science, look no further. Discover the many specializations within forensics that will captivate students as they learn techniques applied in the field.

Field Forensic Analysis

In field forensic analysis, crime scene investigators meticulously document and analyze the evidence they find at the scene of a crime. This procedure can vary depending on the type of crime; however, certain elements apply to all protocols. During a crime scene walkthrough, investigators photograph, sketch, film, and record detailed notes that can be used for evidence. They then search for trace evidence: fingerprints, shoe impressions, bloodstain patterns, bullet holes, hair, and fibers. Once the evidence has been documented, technicians use forensic tools to analyze it.

Evidence Collection

Crime Scene Photographers
Crime Scene Photographers

Crime scene investigation begins with the primary step: evidence collection. In order to effectively document the scene, investigators use photography, video, and sketches. With photography, investigators use different types of techniques to produce high-quality images that document both the evidence and scene. Our partner Sirchie® can help you understand camera settings and lighting techniques professionals use in the field. Use our activity to put those techniques into action!

Related Items

#212123 Carolina® Crime Scene Bundle
Carolina® Crime Scene Bundle
#212122 Chain of Custody Evidence Envelope, Pack of 100
Chain of Custody Evidence Envelopes
#211917 Yellow Evidence Marking Flags, Pack of 100
Yellow Evidence Marking Flags, Pack of 100
#211920 Photo Evidence Numbers, Set of 15
Photo Evidence Numbers, Set of 15

Latent Fingerprinting

A crime scene brush dusting black talcum powder revealing a fingerprint mark on isolated white background.
A crime scene brush dusting black talcum powder revealing a fingerprint mark on isolated white background.

Latent fingerprints are prints caused by natural secretions of the skin, which are not visible to the naked eye. Although invisible, the prints can be developed through a physical or chemical process. Several factors must be taken into consideration when choosing the correct process by which to make these prints appear. We can help you gain an understanding of latent fingerprinting and show you a few tips and tricks to help bring out the best in your prints.

Imprint your science expertise on the topic of dactyloscopy, the study of fingerprints. Fingerprints are completely unique, with no 2 people discovered to have identical prints. Using fingerprinting supplies and materials from Carolina, you can bring this activity into your classroom and introduce forensics in an exciting way. The activity supports 3-dimensional learning and builds toward the following:

  • NGSS Scientific and Engineering Practice: Asking Questions; Analyzing and Interpreting Data
  • NGSS Core Idea: Engineering, Technology, and the Applications of Science 2: Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society

Related Items

#211850 Latent Print Development with Powders Kit
Latent Print Development with Powders Kit
#699854 Forensic Chemistry of Fuming for Fingerprints Kit
Forensic Chemistry of Fuming for Fingerprinting Kit
#699835 Crime Scene Investigation Lab Kit
Crime Scene Investigation Lab Kit
#211950 Magnetic Latent Fingerprinting Supplies
Standard Magnetic Fingerprint Powder Applicator
#211955 Magnetic Latent Fingerprinting Supplies
Black Magnetic Fingerprint Powder, 1oz
#211951 Magnetic Latent Fingerprinting Supplies
Megawand Magnetic Fingerprint Powder Applicator
#211968 Latent Fingerprinting Supplies
Fiberglass Fingerprint Brush
#211972 Latent Fingerprinting Supplies
Fluorescent Orange Powder, 2oz

Footwear Impression

Crime scene investigation - the footprint of a criminal.
Crime scene investigation - the footprint of a criminal.

Impressions left by footwear at a crime scene can be used as evidence in an investigation. In some cases, footwear impressions can reveal substantial information. The type of shoe, the pattern of footprints left behind, and types of surfaces (mud, sand, a biological fluid) can all be important clues. Let the pros show you how to perform impression casting–just one of the techniques found in our kits.

Related Items

#211855 Footwear Identification and Casting Kit
Footwear Identification and Casting Kit
#212112 Footwear Impression Analysis Kit
Footwear Impression Analysis Kit
#211942 Shake-N-Cast™ Kit
Shake-N-Cast™ Kit
#211944 Bio-Foam® Impression Foam
Bio-Foam® Impression Foam, Single
#211947 EZID™ Footwear Impression System
EZID™ Footwear Impression System
#211945 Bio-Foam® Impression Foam
Bio-Foam® Impression Foam, Double

Bloodstain Analysis

A forensic scientist examines bloodstain evidence.
A forensic scientist examines bloodstain evidence.

By researching and cataloging bloodstain patterns, scientists are better able to understand the actions involved in violent crimes. Scientists also use physics and math to analyze patterns so they can determine at what angle the blood hit a surface and from where it originated. Knowing this allows scientists to restage the actions of a crime. Learn more about bloodstain pattern analysis with our activity.

Related Items

#211860 Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Kit
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Kit
#212100 Where's the Victim? Blood Spatter Analysis Kit
Where's the Victim? Blood Spatter Analysis Kit
#211801 Carolina Beyond the Tape®: Crash in the Night Kit
Carolina Beyond the Tape®: Crash in the Night Biology Kit
#212404 The Mystery of Lyle and Louise: Blood Spatter Analysis Kit
The Mystery of Lyle and Louise: Blood Spatter Analysis Kit
#699830 The Case of the Murdered Mayor
The Case of the Murdered Mayor Kit
#840582 Presumptive Blood Test Kit
Presumptive Blood Test Kit
#700136 Carolina BioKits®: Blood Detection
Blood Detection BioKit®

Bullet Trajectory Investigation

Bullet penetrating a wooden surface.
Bullet penetrating a wooden surface.

When a firearm is used in a crime, bullet trajectory and shooting reconstruction allow investigators to use trigonometry to calculate the angle of trajectory. Learn about projectile motion, bullet entry/exit patterns, and angle of incidence with mock bullet perforations in our ballistics activity.

Related Items

#211865 Bullet Trajectory Investigation Kit
Bullet Trajectory Investigation Kit
#212104 Where's the Shooter? Bullet Trajectory Kit
Where's the Shooter? Bullet Trajectory Kit
#211818 Carolina Beyond the Tape®: Golden River Heist Physics Kit
Carolina Beyond the Tape®: Golden River Heist Physics Kit
#212151 Basic Firearm Identification Kit
Basic Firearm Identification Kit
#212152 Bullet Display Set
Bullet Display Set
#212155 Inert Display Cartridges
Inert Display Cartridges

Laboratory Forensic Analysis

After being properly documented by crime scene investigators, evidence is transported to a forensic laboratory for testing and analysis. Scientists with a broad range of specializations–in pathology, toxicology, firearms, forensic biology, latent evidence, and trace evidence, to name a few–make up the staff in a typical forensic lab.

These staff members analyze evidence from the crime scene with sophisticated equipment, including mass spectrophotometers, DNA sequencers, scanning electron microscopes, and modern photography equipment. Next, the staff interprets evidence from chemical and physical tests to reconstruct a crime scene. The laboratory analysts prepare in-depth written reports of their findings and may also be called upon to testify in court.

Chain of Custody: From the Field to the Lab

Young scientist works in modern biological lab.
Young scientist works in modern biological lab.

DNA Fingerprinting

Female researcher examining DNA autoradiogram gel in laboratory.
Female researcher examining DNA autoradiogram gel in laboratory.

To distinguish a source of DNA from another, you can create a DNA Fingerprint profile. Small regions of repetitive DNA vary from person to person. This principle can be extended to the entire genome–no 2 profiles are alike with the exception of identical twins.

A sample of DNA can be isolated from blood, semen, saliva, or hair. The sample is then subjected to several different processes until the DNA sequence is visualized on an x-ray film by autoradiography. The banding pattern between samples can be compared for similarities to implicate or exonerate certain suspects.

Take a look at our activities and videos that discuss some of the techniques used in a DNA fingerprint profile.

Related Items

#211014 Exploring Electrophoresis and Forensics Kit
Exploring Electrophoresis and Forensics Classroom Kit
#211202 DNALC Forensic DNA Fingerprinting Kit
DNALC Forensic DNA Fingerprinting Kit with GelGreen™ (with voucher)
#211214 PCR Forensics Simulation Kit
PCR Forensics Simulation 8-Station Kit
#211205 DNALC Forensic DNA Fingerprinting Kit
DNALC Forensic DNA Fingerprinting Kit with CarolinaBLU® (with voucher)
#211402 Forensic PCR Investigation Kit
Forensic PCR Investigation Amplification and Electrophoresis Kit with CarolinaBLU® (with voucher)
#211207 Outbreak! Fingerprinting Virus DNA Kit
Outbreak! Fingerprinting Virus DNA 8-Station Kit


Chemical formulas and models.

Screening for controlled substances in the bodily fluids of a suspect can provide additional evidence to piece together a crime scene. One of the most common types of screens for controlled substances is a urine dipstick, which typically screens for cocaine, marijuana, opiates, amphetamines, and phencyclidine. This test is based on an immunoassay that uses antibodies to detect specific chemicals.

For instance, in the case of marijuana, the active component is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). When an antibody binds to a specific chemical, in this case THC, it causes a color change. These tests are usually confirmed with quantitative methods such as gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS).

Read more about toxicology.

Related Items

#699772 Blood Alcohol Determination Kit
Blood Alcohol Determination Kit
#699750 Drug Analysis Kit
Drug Analysis Kit
#699837 Forensic Chemistry: Drug Detection Kit
Forensic Chemistry: Drug Detection Kit
#699764 Introduction to Toxicology Kit
Introduction to Toxicology Kit
#221489 Carolina Forensic Dissection Kit
Carolina® Forensic Dissection Kit for a Class of 32
#699768 Drugs and Poisons Analysis Kit
Drugs and Poisons Analysis Kit

Gunshot Residue: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

GSR (gun shot residue) test being conducted on a murder suspect's left hand.
GSR (gun shot residue) test being conducted on a murder suspect's left hand.

Gunshot residue (GSR) tests for trace chemical components found in gunpowder. When a firearm is discharged, it ejects dust containing these components that can remain on the hands and clothing of a person(s) within the vicinity. Nitrates, a type of trace chemical found in GSR, are commonly screened. During screening, gunshot residue pouches are used, and a chemical reaction using the organic compound diphenylamine produces a blue color in the presence of nitrates.

Further testing can be done on GSR particles collected from hands or clothing using a method called scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Through this method, trained technicians can identify particles by size, shape, and chemical make-up.

For more information on GSR, GSR forensics, and analytical techniques, view a presentation by our partner Sirchie®.

Related Items

#211870 Gunshot and Explosive Residue Testing Kit
Gunshot and Explosive Residue Testing Kit
#840580 Gunshot Residue Presumptive Test Kit
Gunshot Residue Presumptive Test Kit
#699885 Trace Powder Evidence Inquiry Kit
Trace Powder Evidence Inquiry Kit
#212151 Basic Firearm Identification Kit
Basic Firearm Identification Kit
#212157 Bullet Comparison Poster
Bullet Comparison Poster
#212156 Cartridge Case Comparison Poster
Cartridge Case Comparison Poster

Microscopy: Hair Evidence Analysis

Scientists proving the DNA from the hair in the lab.
Scientists proving the DNA from the hair in the lab.

Hair evidence can provide valuable information for recreating a crime scene because hairs can be transferred from person to person. Samples can then be analyzed to determine if the they belong to the victim, suspect, or another person. Using light microscopy, a trained technician examines features of the hair sample to determine if it is human or animal, from what part of the body it originated, its growth phase, and if human, the race, gender, and age of the person it came from.

Check out our hair analysis activity for a great introduction to forensics using microscopy.

Related Items

#699870 Hair Analysis Kit
Hair Analysis Kit
#699880 Microscopic Forensics Kit
Microscopic Forensics Kit
#699871 His Hair, Her Hair, Whose Hair? Kit
His Hair, Her Hair, Whose Hair? Kit
#699875 Fiber Identification Kit
Fiber Identification Kit
#495951 Color Atlas and Manual of Microscopy for Criminalists, Chemists, and Conservators Book
Color Atlas and Manual of Microscopy for Criminalists, Chemists, and Conservators Book

Blood-Typing/Presumptive Blood

Drop of blood, close-up.
Drop of blood, close-up.

Crime scene technicians may encounter blood when documenting a crime scene or recording items as evidence. It is often necessary to distinguish whether a sample is human blood. In order to accomplish this, technicians use a chemical screen like the Kastle-Meyer test, which uses the chemical indicator phenolphthalein to produce a purple color in the presence of hemoglobin. This is called a presumptive test.

Once a technician confirms that a sample is blood, another test such as blood-typing can be performed. Blood-typing works on the principle that red blood cells have surface molecules that allow the body’s immune system to recognize foreign cells from native cells. Foreign cells have molecules known as antigens on their cell surface, to which the immune system responds by producing antibodies. The antibodies attack and destroy the antigens, which results in a “clumping” of the blood, or agglutination.

Related Items

#700112 Carolina® Synthetic Blood: Paternity Test Kit
Carolina® Synthetic Blood: Paternity Test Kit
#211801 Carolina Beyond the Tape®: Crash in the Night Kit
Carolina Beyond the Tape®: Crash in the Night Biology Kit
#700136 Carolina BioKits®: Blood Detection
Blood Detection BioKit®
#700101 Carolina® ABO-Rh Blood Typing with Synthetic Blood Kit
Carolina® ABO-Rh Typing with Synthetic Blood Kit
#700113 Carolina® Forensics Mystery with Synthetic Blood Kit
Carolina® Forensics Mystery with Synthetic Blood Kit
#840582 Presumptive Blood Test Kit
Presumptive Blood Test Kit

Chemical Development of Prints

A crime scene brush dusting black talcum powder revealing a fingerprint mark on isolated white background.

Depending on the type of secretions left behind on a print, a technician may use one or more chemical development techniques. Chemical developers such as iodine, 1,8-Diazafluoren-9-one (DFO), ninhydrin, and silver nitrate can be used to bring out the print. However, the chemical properties of these developers may alter the fingerprint–it is important to use them in a specific sequence.

Engage your students with an activity that allows them to develop their own fingerprints.

Related Items

#211875 Chemical Development of Latent Prints Kit
Chemical Development of Latent Print Kit
#699854 Forensic Chemistry of Fuming for Fingerprints Kit
Forensic Chemistry of Fuming for Fingerprints Kit
#211850 Latent Print Development with Powders Kit
Latent Print Development with Powders Kit
#699835 Crime Scene Investigation Lab Kit
Crime Scene Investigation Lab Kit
#211950 Magnetic Latent Fingerprinting Supplies
Standard Magnetic Fingerprint Powder Applicator

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