Prep: 15 mins | Activity: 15 mins
This demonstration is an engagement activity that increases students’ awareness of the current state of global water quality and availability. The United Nations releases annual reports on global water quality around a theme, with updated water quality statistics. The data can be turned into true/false or multiple choice questions and used as a friendly class competition. This activity uses the UN water quality poster from 2013.
What is the current state of the global water supply?
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
ESS3: Earth and Human Activity
Stability and Change
Water Quality Awareness
What percent of people worldwide do NOT have access to improved sources of drinking water?
A. 11% B. 33% C. 55% D. 77%
(add a pinch of soil)
What percent of people worldwide do NOT have access to improved sanitation?
A. 11% B. 33% C. 55% D. 77%
(add 3 drops of yellow food coloring)
In developing countries, _______ of sewage is discharged untreated directly into water bodies.
A. 20% B. 40% C. 60% D. 80%
(add pinch of cocoa)
Industry dumps about _________MT of polluted waste in water every year.
A. 100–200 MT B. 300–400 MT C. 500–600 MT D. 700–800 MT
(add 3 drops of yellow food coloring)
The most common agricultural chemical contaminant found in groundwater aquifers is _________.
A. ammonia B. nitrate C. phosphate D. sulfate
(add 3 drops of green food coloring)
About how many people die each year due to inadequate water supply, sanitation, and hygiene? A. 3,500 B. 35,000 C. 350,000 D. 3,500,000
(add pinch of soil)
Which ecosystem has suffered the greatest degradation in biodiversity?
A. estuaries B. fresh water C. oceans D. salt water marshes
(add 3 drops of green food coloring)
Ask students the following questions:
1. Look inside your cup. If this represents global fresh water and water quality, what inferences can you make about human health?
The dirtier the water, the more health problems there will be.
2. What might be local contributions to fresh water pollution?
Answers will vary.
3. What can you do to reduce fresh water pollution?
Answers will vary but may include conservation techniques and pollution cleanup.
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