Carolina Biological Announces Free Fireside Chat for K-5 Science Educators with National Lesson Study Professional Development Expert

Educators invited to download Carolina’s free case study on how lesson study can help educators improve and fine-tune science lessons including input from top lesson study researchers

BURLINGTON, NC, Feb. 8, 2022 –Science education supply leader Carolina Biological is hosting a free online fireside chat on Tuesday, Feb. 15 at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. ET with a national expert on lesson study for science educators. Researcher and professional development expert Sharon Dotger, Ph.D. will explain how lesson study can help fine-tune science instruction. In this interactive webinar, educators can learn how to use lesson study to focus on the teaching process instead of the teacher and the students’ learning process to improve science lesson designs. The chat is geared toward K-5 science curriculum leaders, educators, instructional coaches, teaching assistants and administrators with an interest in learning more about how to create lesson study professional development events at their schools to improve specific science lessons. Educators must register through Carolina’s online Registration link any time before the live event to be able to login to the chat or access a recorded version if they can’t attend the live event at:


The chat will be 45-minutes long with a facilitator asking Dr. Dotger questions. During the event, participants can send in live questions and the facilitator will select the best questions to ask during the following 15-minute question-and-answer session. A second chat will be available at 7 p.m. ET with a live question-and-answer session.


Lesson study is a professional development technique that enables educators to observe how real students react to a lesson as it is taught and then revise the lesson to improve students’ engagement and learning. It is a shift in how professional development is perceived and conducted. Dotger has been doing research on lesson study and hosting live lesson study events throughout the country since 2008. Especially now it can bring professional hope and enjoyment to educators at a time that is especially challenging for them to be positive.


Carolina’s case study about the topic, “Improving Science Instruction Through Lesson Study,” is available now and can be downloaded anytime free of charge from Carolina Biological’s website. Dotger’s original research on lesson study is based on teachers using the Smithsonian Science Education Center’s three-dimensional Smithsonian Science for the Classroom curriculum. The new case study is authored by Carolina and includes interviews with Dotger and Jessica Whisher-Hehl, an assistant superintendent for instruction at Solvay Union Free School District in Syracuse, New York. Both educators are leaders in the advancement of science lesson study.


“Educators feel a lot of professional pride when they see their students and other educators as excited about learning science as much as they enjoy teaching science with high-quality science curriculum,” said Dotger, Syracuse University school of Education Associate Professor and subject of Carolina’s chat and case study. “It can be a source of joy to focus on their own professional development and igniting new passion for science education.”


Lesson study is a powerful tool for helping teachers learn how to adjust their teaching processes. As Dotger and Whisher-Hehl have observed repeatedly, lesson study can transform a classroom into a powerhouse, in which students learn to be observant and to solve problems.

“We are excited about having Dr. Sharon Dotger join us for an online chat about lesson study at the elementary level,” said Jim Parrish, president and CEO at Carolina Biological Supply Company. “Educators face challenges as they implement new NGSS science standards and instructional materials. This is an opportunity to hear from a fellow educator about her experiences, insights, and successes. We hope participants will pick up some good ideas about how to implement the standards in their classrooms and get students engaged and excited about science again.”



Registration in advance for Carolina’s free fireside chat is required and educators will need to click on a link that will be sent to their email to join the chat. The chat will be 45 minutes, followed by a 15-minute live question-and-answer session. Also, the free eight-page downloadable case study is available now from Carolina, for grade K-5 teachers, science curriculum leaders and administrators. For information, visit Carolina’s website or, call (800) 334-5551, or e-mail


Smithsonian Science Education Center

The mission of the Smithsonian Science Education Center is to transform and improve the teaching and learning of science for PreK-12 students in the United States and throughout the world. Established in 1985 as the National Science Resources Center (NSRC) under the sponsorship of two prestigious institutions – the Smithsonian Institution and the National Academy of Sciences – the Center is dedicated to the establishment of effective science programs for all students. The Smithsonian Science Education Center works to build awareness for PreK-12 science education reform among global, state, and district leaders; conducts programs that support the professional growth of PreK-12 teachers and school leaders; and engages in research and curriculum development in partnership with it is publisher, Carolina Biological Supply Company, the sole source provider of STC™, STCMS™, and Smithsonian Science for the Classroom.


Carolina Biological Supply Company

From its beginnings in 1927, Carolina ( has grown to become the leading supplier of science teaching materials in the world. Headquartered in Burlington, NC, Carolina serves customers worldwide, including teachers, students, and professionals in science and health-related fields. The company is still privately owned by descendants of the founder, geology and biology professor Dr. Thomas E. Powell, Jr.

Carolina Biological Supply Company

Carolina Biological Supply Company

Julie Gates

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