Marietta, Georgia
Age 12 at the time of innovation.
Achievement: Found a cancer-fighting chemical in green tea
Imagine finding a way to fight cancer using worms and green tea. That’s what Stephen used in his investigation to show that a chemical in green tea can kill cancer cells.
Stephen began his research after two family members were told they had breast cancer. He learned that an antioxidant in green tea, called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), is linked to lower rates of the disease in Japan. He chose planarian worms as a model, exposing groups of them to EGCG and carcinogens (cancer-causing agents), other worms to just carcinogens, and still others to only spring water. He discovered the worms exposed to EGCG and carcinogens grew no tumors but the worms exposed to just carcinogens did.
Stephen continued to investigate EGCG as a high schooler, proving that it kills cancer cells in human cells as well. He hopes to someday become a medical researcher who treats patients and delivers therapies from the lab to patients’ bedsides.
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Watch the VOA interview:
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